B-SELFIE Remodelling Treatment
Scolpisci le tue gambe! B-SELFIE Remodelling Treatment rende la pelle tonica e levigata rimodellando la silhouette di gambe, cosce e glutei
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B-SELFIE BEAUTY LEGGINGS da imbibire + miscela imbibente B-SELFIE REMODELLING FLUID con estratti vegetali di rusco, solidago, limone e acqua attiva di arancio, ideali per favorire il microcircolo cutaneo e regalare alla pelle un aspetto sodo, compatto e levigato.
B-SELFIE BEAUTY LEGGINGS for soaking + soaking mixture B-SELFIE REMODELING FLUID made of plant extracts, such as butcher's broom extract, goldenrod, lemon, and active sweet orange water, ideal for promoting skin microcirculation and giving the skin a firm, compact, and smooth appearance.
Ideal remodeling treatment for:
- Fighting cellulite imperfections
- Eliminating fluid and toxin stagnation
- Reducing the circumference of legs, thighs, abdomen, and buttocks
- Promoting microcirculation functionality
- Promoting a firming effect
- Making the skin firm and compact
- Reducing the orange peel effect
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